Sunday, March 20, 2011

Game Time

Dawson has a favorite game (or maybe it is mine). We sit on the floor a distance apart and call DJ to come to us. He runs from one to another with the biggest grin on his face. It is super cute. So we decided to capture his joy.Here he is with a hat on. He has found that he enjoys wearing hats a least for a little while.
Just ran to get daddy.
Running for mommy
This picture is one of my favorites! Look at that happy smile on his face. (I probably have a similar expression on my face because I was having just as much fun)
I love you, goose!

Riding and Sleeping

Jason and Dawson taking a nap in the middle of the day. How cute is that!

DJ on daddy's bike.

DJ fell asleep on the couch with Buzz.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Here is what I learned tonight... If you want DJ to fall asleep all you need to do is get him in just a diaper and tickle him. It puts him out fast. I wish someone would do that to me! Now we just need him to sleep ALL night in his own bed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Just Pictures

Random pictures from Jason's phoneDJ and Grandma Laura
DJ playing at Jungle Jims
What a mess!
Upside down during the Super Bowl
DJ on Etrade
Climbing in the fridgeOn a cruise boat In our laundry basketTrying to drink from Daddy's water bottleRocking in my chair

Chef Dawson

Introducing Chef Dawson Jay.
He has found our bowls and spoons and absolutely loves to play in them. We need to put more Safety locks on so I don't have to go around the house picking this stuff up.

4 Wheelin with Dad

Jason took Dawson on a quick ride up our street. He LOVED it! Now everytime he sees the 4 wheeler he points to them and wants to ride them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Sweet Boy

Just two cute pictures of Dawson. He is growing so much, it is crazy! He loves to climb on everything and play.