Saturday, February 25, 2012


DJ has always been a monkey.  He loves to climb and jump on things.   Here is his latest fascination...
 doing flips and head-stands on the couch.
 He can't get enough of it, silly boy.
 Alex just being cute!
 The other day we decided we needed a singing party.  Jason turned up the radio REALLY loud and we started jamming!
 Alex loves to put his arms up to the music.
 What a stud muffin!
While the music is blaring, DJ curls up on the couch with his blanket and falls asleep.
 Giving Daddy knuckles!
 Daddy trying to keep DJ awake by singing to him.
 It didn't work.
 Alex dancing with DJ in the background sleeping.
 Alex saying hello.
These boys make me so happy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day of Love

We have made it a habit of going to get the mail in the boys are, so today we rode again. 

 It is so fun to watch them ride together!  Soon they both won't be able to fit in the car together and we will need to start taking turns, but as of now they enjoy riding together!

On the way home from work today we stopped by a park to let the boys get out and play, since it was such a nice day.  They loved sliding down the slides and running on the hills.  Alex enjoyed being able to climb up some of the stuff by himself!  Here are the boys sliding down the tube slide.

 Alex climbing up the steps.
 I am so grateful that I have these little ones!  They make our life so much fun and meaningful~

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines Letters

After riding our car to the mailbox today we came in the house to open the letters we got.  We were so excited that we got mail!

Even though he doesn't know how to read, DJ was super excited to get his card from Grandma Sue and Grandpa Evan!
They were so excited that inside their letter was a $5 bill.

Alex wasn't sure when I handed him his letter, but he got really excited.

 They were also so excited to put there money in their piggy banks!  Yea, I know that isn't going to last long.
 We called grandma and grandpa to tell them thank you for the cards and money!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Going on a Ride

We went on an adventure today. We went to get the mail today, but in a different way than we usually do, we drove there.  Mommy got out our car and strapped us in.  We were so excited!
 On our way to the mailbox.
We made it without crashing at all!
 It was so fun 'driving' to the mailbox today.  We love our car!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our little snowmobiler

The X-Games were on last week and Jason really got into them, especially the snowmobiling.  Jason had DJ watch them with him.  Little did we know how much DJ enjoyed it until later... 
 I was doing some laundry and just piled it on the floor and DJ ran out of the room saying, "snowmobile, snowmobile, snowmobile."  Then he ran back with this riding toy and placed it right on top of all the clothes.
 He proceeded to try to tip over and make himself fall.

He would then jump back on the 'snowmobile' and do it again and again. 

 What a silly boy!  He has a great imagination and loves playing.  He still calls it his snowmobile, and I am not going to lie, I call it that too now.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We went for haircuts the other day.  We spent a long time because everyone got their hair cut, what an ordeal!  Alex did a great job, but DJ wouldn't hold still at all.  Finally we got him involved in squirting us with the spray bottle and that helped.  Here are some shots of the monumental event.