Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tubby Time

 Tubby time has been a struggle for me for awhile because for some unknown reason Alex didn't like it.  I tried everything I could think of to get him to enjoy it but nothing helped.  Finally tonight for no apparent reason Alex loved it, YAY!

 Kind of blown out but a cute picture of Alex playing.
 They were having a lot of fun with the toys.
 The boys showing their cute smiles!
 Splish, splash
 They had fun together!
 Getting clean
 It was so fun watching them have fun and play in the bath tub together!
 I have a nick-name for the boys: Skinny bones and Buddha belly.  Can you tell which one is which?


  1. How funny. They are so cute. It is always good when it happens.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. tooo cute! lol its funny, i used to call lexi my booda baby cuz she was so chunky when she was little

  4. Fun! Alex must have realized that you have some really fun bath toys!!
