Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Fun

Dawson has learned to stand holding onto things. He even pulls himself us sometimes. This is where his toys are so he is wondering what to play with.

A little blurry, bit I think it is super cute!

He always wants to get the cord hanging on the camera. So here he is attacking to get it.


Mommy and DJ

Did he just eat a piece of grass? That face looks like he did.

Crawling outside
Look how cute I am!

Monday, July 26, 2010

7 Peaks plus a couple others

First some random pictures.We enjoy going out on our porch swing almost every night.

DJ has learned to stand up with help.

He is going to be cruising soon!
We went to Seven Peaks and here is Daddy and DJ.

Saying "Hi" to mommy. He loves to wave his hands.

Dawson and Mommy

Dawson LoVeS water!

He enjoys splashing.
Playing in the water with Daddy.

Daddy walking to take Dawson on his first water slide experience.


DJ did not enjoy going under the umbrella of water!!!

Dawson and Mommy on the water slide.

He went under and wasn't so happy with that!

In fact, he was quite mad.

Time to eat!
Daddy was jealous, he wanted to eat too!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I just sat outside with Dawson and Samson in a thunderstorm. It was a simple but great experience! We were under the porch so we didn't get wet at all. We just sat on the porch swing and enjoyed the sound and smell of the rain and thunder. Samson was scared of the thunder, but Dawson just thought it was cool. It was really nice to be able to go outside with my boy and my dog and enjoy one of life's simple pleasures, a thunderstorm.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Adoption Day

I don't think that I ever shared pictures from Adoption Day, so here are a couple. It was an amazing day that we are so thankful for!

Here we are waiting in the hall for our turn to see the judge. There was a huge case before us so when they took a break we went into the judge's chambers.

Here we are signing paperwork in the hall.

Playing in the hall while waiting for our turn.

After seeing the judge, doing more paperwork with the lawyer and caseworker.

My dad was into taking a lot of pictures!

In front of the courthouse.

Officially a family!!!

With Grandma Sue and Grandpa Evan

Here we are again.

Daddy and Dawson

Friday, July 16, 2010

Look at Me

Daddy teaching me how to play X-box

I didn't quite get the hang of it~

but I am learning.

Daddy bought some huge marshmallows at the store, and he let me have one.

Wow, it is as big as my face!

We had our friend Emily come over and play one day. I had a lot of fun. I enjoy watching other kids play and learn from them.

Monday, July 5, 2010

More 4th Fun!

Daddy had a day off work for the holiday so we decided to go on some adventures. I was so excited because so many things are new to me still. Mommy and Daddy got the canoe on the new truck last night so we could go out to the lake. We headed out around 10:00, we didn't want to get there too early because it wouldn't have been very warm. I was so excited that I slept practically the entire way up to East Canyon, I heard that if you fall asleep in the car it doesn't seem to take as long to get where you are going, so I do that a lot! We loaded up and got out on the lake.

This is my Titanic picture. Look how much fun I am having!

Me enjoying the scenery from the canoe.

What is that in the water? Oh, it is just daddy. He wanted to use his snorkling equipment, so he got in the water. It was way too cold for Mommy and me to get in!
Mommy and me in the canoe. I had a lot of fun. It was windy so Daddy had to work hard to paddle, you can see him in the back if you look really close.
Man, I love this, and I made sure I was a good boy so Mommy and Daddy would take me again!

Here I am eating my bottle. It was really comfortable, and Mommy let me use her hat to keep the sun out of my eyes. After this I stayed awake for about an hour, but then I fell asleep in the same position.

When we packed up from the lake Mommy and Daddy decided that we weren't done exploring. We went up to Snowbird and took the tram up to the top. We were up so high!

We love to take family pictures!

Daddy and me trudging through the snow. Daddy had flip flops on. What a nerd!

It was a little chilly up on the mountain! I was smart and put my hat and jacket on.

Mommy and Daddy weren't quite as smart as me! They didn't bring anything to keep warm.
I talked them into walking down the mountain for about 10 minutes because I really wanted to go through the Peruvian tunnel they cut through the mountain.
It was really chilly in there, but worth it.
This is right after we got out of the tunnel, it was good to be in the sun again.
I got to ride on my first, but not last, ski lift, and I am only 7 1/2 months old.
We had a great view looking down the mountain, but
instead of taking pictures of the beautiful view they can't resist taking pictures of me!
We ate lunch at Snowbird and then went home. I got to go canoeing and to the top of a mountain all in the same day.