Thursday, June 30, 2011


 A GREAT friend invited us to go swimming with them.  We had a lot of fun splashing in the water.
 DJ enjoyed jumping in from the side of the pool into my arms.
We want to send a big THANK YOU to our friend for inviting us and sending pictures of the fun we had!

Monday, June 27, 2011


w Another walk with Mommy!
 We went over to see some different horses today, but they wouldn't come over to see us.  So we just had to settle at looking them in the distance.
Here I am looking for the dog.  Lately on all of our walks he can't keep up.  He is getting old and just can't handle long walks anymore.
 If you look really really close you can see Samson in the distance.  He is the little brown dot by the bushes on the left side.  He is so far back, you might not be able to see him.
 I hate to brag, but I am the cutest little boy!
 When we got home Mommy made me a jelly sandwich and some chips.  It was delicious~

Visiting Grandpa and Grandma

 Here I am all buckled in for the ride up to see Grandpa Jay and Grandma Betty.
They have a cool fountain just my size in their backyard.  I enjoyed playing in it!
 Here I am sitting by Grandpa Jay waiting for the food to be served.  I tried to wait patiently but couldn't help myself.  When the prayer was being said I tried to grab a cup of lemonade.
 Grandpa got a really big fly swattr that I enjoyed playing with.
 I Love Grandpa Jay and Grandma Betty.
 Here I am playing with McKaylee, she is my buddy!
 We had brownies and rootbeer floats, they were delicious!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

One of DJ's favorite things!

I love going on walks!  Jason and I have been going on walks most nights.  It is a good way to get out and get some fresh air, exercise, and spend some time together.  I have decided to take DJ on some walks during the day.  Over the past 2 days we have walked 14.6 miles.  
Here is DJ ready to start out on our walk.  We were walking to the store and back.
On the way to the store we past one of DJ's favorite things! Can you see them in the distance?  It was super cute because when he spotted the horse he sat up straight, pointed, and said, "horsey".
 He could spend all day with horse if I let him!
He was loving seeing them and how close up they came to us.

 There was a little pony there too.
 When we were about to leave DJ pulled out his cup and tried to give it to the horse.  What a caring boy!
I love to make him happy and see him smile~

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


All DJ says all day is 'outside'.  He can't get enough of being in the great outdoors!
DJ whining to go 'outside'
 Look at how his mood changes instantly!
 He wants to do everything outside, even drink his juice with his blanket.
 Playing with a stick.
 Mommy look at my dirty hands.
He is growing up so fast, and having fun doing it~

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Jason is an amazing daddy!  DJ loves playing football with him and helping him outside.  They are buddies.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


 I got a new basket and was wondering what to do with it.  I figured out that I wanted to put DJ's books in it so they were more accessible for him, but still together and looking nice.

This is how I found him just a couple of minutes after putting the books in the basket on the floor.
When I saw this I had to grab my camera and capture the sweet moment.  I hid by his bed and snapped some pictures.
 His favorite book is one with pictures of animals.
 He ended up seeing me so I went in and took some closer pictures.  What a cutie pants~
 Here is his favorite page right now.  He loves the zebra, giraffe, and elephant the most.
 This is when he caught me taking pictures, he ran over and sat on my lap.

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dawson went for a check up this past week.  He was having so much fun playing in the room and talking up a storm that the nurse fell in love with him.  The doctor says DJ is looking good and is doing well.  It is fun to hear about what he is going to be learning in the next couple of months, and it is funny because he already does some of it.  
Weight: 21.6 pounds (1%)
Height: 31 3/4 inches (20%)
Head Circumference: 47.2 cm
According to the stats DJ is a skinny boy, but his eating habits wouldn't let you think that!

After the doctor checked him out the same nurse came back in to give him 2 shots.  After she walked back into the room so said that she should have sent someone else in because he was too cute to give shots to.  We held him down and he did really well, yea he cried like most kids but after a couple of minutes you would have never known he had shots.  

He is such a fun and lovable little boy!  We are so lucky to have him in our lives forever!
We love you Dawson Jay!

Family, Food, and Fun

 We went up to visit Brie, Spencer and there family.  We enjoy going up to see them.  DJ has so many wonderful people in his life that love him so much!
 Here is DJ with Grandma Laura and Great Grandpa David.
 I wish we had taken more pictures!
DJ is doing really well eating by himself.  Here he is eating flavored applesauce.
While planting some flowers we found a worm!
 Dawson loves 'nannies'!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Creating a Masterpiece

 We decided that it has been awhile since Dawson painted so we bought some canvas so he could explore his artistic abilities and to have fun,
He made a total of 3 paintings that we are giving to Brie, Laura, and Nancy (DJ's birthmom and grandmas).
A canvas, brush, paint, and the cutest little boy are the only supplies needed to complete this project.
 He is super talented and can use 2 paintbrushes at the same time.
 He had a snack break and then completed the masterpiece.
 Apparently, Dawson decided that painting the canvas was getting boring so we found another "canvas".
One (or two if you count DJ) of the finished pieces.  
We hope they love their homemade gifts!