Sunday, October 31, 2010


I was a little frog for my very first Halloween. Everyone thought I was the cutest little frog they ever have seen! On Friday Mommy took me to Dad's work in my costume to show everyone my cuteness. We then went to Grandma Sue's and Grandpa Evan's house. They are going to Hawaii for a week or so and I wanted to show them my first costume. They loved it too!!!
Then on Saturday we went to Aunt Hilarie and Uncle Bret's house. They have everyone over for dinner and festivities, so I trick-or-treated over there. I enjoyed being with family, friends, and having good food. We went out for a little over an hour trick-or-treating. Maddie was nice enough to take my bucket up to doors to get me some candy. It sprinkled some and was pretty cold, but all in all my first Halloween was a blast!

Daddy holding me while we were trick-or-treating.
Another of me and my dad
Aunt Shai and me
Mommy and me
The cutest little frog you ever have seen!
Right before we went to visit dad at his work. I had a hard time walking around in my frog feet!
Me as a frog.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


So, I got some of my teeth in. I asked mommy if she would brush them everyday for me because I want them to stay clean and healthy. She agreed to this task. Since I am such a cutie pie mommy and daddy thought that they needed some pictures of me getting my teeth brushed. So here they are, enjoy!
Mommy brushing my bottom teeth.
and my top teethI am really good at sitting still while I get them brushed. I do think that it feels funny!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Visit

We were cleaning the house and DJ found a broom and loved walking around with it. He would cry if you took it away from him. Hopefully he keeps up the love of cleaning!

You are such a big helper Dawson!
Brie and Spencer came over last night to visit. It was SO good to see them. We are so thankful that they want to stay in our lives. We love them so much and are so grateful for their unselfishness! I had to take some shots of them with the little man.
DJ loved having them over, he LoVeS being the center of attention.
While Spencer was holding DJ, Brie got him to climb up and eat Spencer's nose!
He started looking all innocent.
Brie coaxing DJ up closer.
Making his way up to get Spencer's nose.
So close! Brie in the back cheering DJ on.
Climbing on Spencer again.
Thanks for coming over Brie and Spencer! DJ is so lucky to have amazing birth parents~

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Nothing but FUN!

We planned an amazing, eventful weekend. We have a timeshare that uses points and we were going to lose some points if we didn't use them quickly so we decided to get away to Wolf Creek.

On our way to Wolf Creek we stopped by Black Island Farm. We had a blast there!!! They have farm animals, slides, games, and a couple of corn mazes.They had a hay maze for little kids.
DJ enjoyed walking through it.And crawling too.What a handsome little guy!
"Look at me!"
He really enjoyed going to the farm!
DJ by one of the game signs, duck racing.
Playing at the duck races.
Climbing the cargo net to get to the slides.

Daddy and DJ going down one of the slides."Hi, Mommy!"
Dawson in front of the big slide at Black Island Farm
The condo we stayed at had many fun things to do. We played tennis, basketball, soccer, and volleyball. Dawson enjoyed playing and exploring while we were having fun outside.
Playing with a cousin in the tennis court.
DJ decided to climb up into one of the cupboards at the condo. He loves exploring!
DJ just wanted a closer look, right?Dawson and Daddy at the Flinstone's house

We went to Ogden's dinosaur park on Saturday. We had a blast! I can not tell you how much DJ loves swings and slides!

Here he is enjoying a swing ride.

He went down some slides all by himself on his tummy. He cried every time we took him off the slide. He wanted to keep going more and more!
At the bottom of the slide looking up.


We also went on a hike up Powder Mountain.
We had such a great time on this little vacation. I wish every weekend was like this, but then we would definitely be broke!!!