Sunday, October 31, 2010


I was a little frog for my very first Halloween. Everyone thought I was the cutest little frog they ever have seen! On Friday Mommy took me to Dad's work in my costume to show everyone my cuteness. We then went to Grandma Sue's and Grandpa Evan's house. They are going to Hawaii for a week or so and I wanted to show them my first costume. They loved it too!!!
Then on Saturday we went to Aunt Hilarie and Uncle Bret's house. They have everyone over for dinner and festivities, so I trick-or-treated over there. I enjoyed being with family, friends, and having good food. We went out for a little over an hour trick-or-treating. Maddie was nice enough to take my bucket up to doors to get me some candy. It sprinkled some and was pretty cold, but all in all my first Halloween was a blast!

Daddy holding me while we were trick-or-treating.
Another of me and my dad
Aunt Shai and me
Mommy and me
The cutest little frog you ever have seen!
Right before we went to visit dad at his work. I had a hard time walking around in my frog feet!
Me as a frog.


  1. Does DJ walk now? Wow! I don't like frogs but this is one I definitely couldn't resist! :)

  2. He really is the cutest frog ever! I think it will be funny for DJ to one day look back at these pictures and see how HAPPY his daddy was to take him trick or treating... that was sarcastic :)
