Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Silly Boy!

DJ isn't feeling the best right now.  He has a runny nose and liquid poo (sorry for the visual).  I decided to put him in the bath tub so he could get some time out of a diaper and hopefully have his booty feel a little better.  Well, I got him out of his clothes and walk into the bathroom to start the water.  Usually he follows me, but I notice that he isn't there.  So I start the water and walk back into his room, I see DJ standing there in a squat over the clothes that we just had taken off of him.  Yes, the clothes were all wet.  I asked him if he peed on them and he said, "Yes!"  Good news is that he hit only his clothes so the clean up was really easy.
Silly Boy!
Does this mean he is ready for a big boy potty?

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